Benefits of Plants

Bromediad display in a decorative container.
Benefits of Plants
In Dr. Lohr’s study, common interior plants were used in a computer laboratory with 27 computer workstations. A computer program to test productivity and induce stress was specifically designed for these experiments. Participants working in an environment with plants present were 12 percent more productive and less stressed than those who worked in an environment without plants.
Working in an environment that includes plants reduces carbon dioxide levels and lowers stress. People want to go to work in a healthy environment. Long-term benefits include increased productivity and reduced health care costs.
In a study done by Dr. Virginia Lohr of Washington State University, common house plants were used to measure stress levels in employees at workstations. Participants working in an environment with plants present were 12 percent more productive and less stressed than their non-plant counterparts.
Yes, evidence suggests this is true. In healthcare facilities, there is mounting evidence healing gardens function as an effective tool for reducing stress and improving mood in patients and caregivers. Many healthcare employees use gardens as an effective means for achieving an “escape” from the stress found in caring for others. Hospital patients viewing plants or nature for a few minutes can promote measurable restoration, even in acutely stressed patients. Patients heal more quickly, use less pain medication and complain less to staff. (Ulrich, 2002).
In an eight-month study, a Texas A&M University research team led by Dr. Roger Ulrich explored the link between flowers, plants and workplace productivity. Participants performed creative problem solving tasks in a variety of common office environment or conditions. The conditions included a workplace with plants and flowers, a setting with sculptures and an environment with no decorative embellishments.
During the study, both men and women demonstrate more innovative thinking, generating more ideas and original solutions to problems in the office environment that included plants and flowers. In these surroundings, men who participated in the study generated 15 percent more ideas. And while men generated a greater abundance of ideas, females generated more creative, flexible solutions to problems when plants and flowers were present.
Studies have shown a direct relationship between clinical health complaints and indoor plant installations. Sick Building Syndrome is a serious and expensive issue, and the degree to which interior plants can positively affect employee’s health is an important issue in today’s workplace.
Our second favorite plant holiday at Good Earth Plant Company is the third week of September.
So glad you asked. It is the first Saturday in May.
The most obvious answer is to make your surroundings attractive. However, scientific research has repeatedly shown the value of plants goes far beyond the purely aesthetic.
Plants are good for the building, its occupants and visitors, providing benefit you may not know about. And more benefits are being discovered through research every day.