Plants as therapy 3: Are plants the new Prozac?

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve
We know plants make our lives better – aesthetically, intellectually, and emotionally. But you don’t have to become a #plantdad or #plantfluencer to introduce some of the benefits into your life.  There are countless ways to bring more plants into your daily life, from noticing the flora around your own neighborhood to visiting local parks and trails. You can step it up a notch by taking plant-focused outings. (We’re based in Southern California, so we like the Encinitas Botanic Garden and Balboa Park. More on that ahead.)  You can also, of course, incorporate plants into your at-home décor (yes, pumpkins count).… Read More

The Incredible Mood-boosting Power of Plants

This green wall is in a beautiful residence in Del Mar, CA
Experientially, we all know that spending time in nature tends to calm us down, soothe us when we’re stressed, and boost our moods. But it’s not just the endorphins you might get from a trail run or the vitamin D from a sunny stroll. An increasing number of scientific studies are finding that being around and interacting with plants has a quantifiably positive effect on our nervous systems, mindsets and yes, our moods. We love this trend in research not only because it validates what we already love to do and share, but also because it’s bringing more tools to more people to learn new things, feel more connected, and find more happiness overall.… Read More

How plants can improve our mental health, Part 1

  We’re more than a little biased, but plants can solve a lot of problems. Green roofs, for example, can absorb excess rainwater and help mitigate flooding. Plants provide our oxygen, our food, our fuel, and the materials we rely on. Plants even help solar panels create more energy. We know: plants are amazing.  We cannot survive without them.   Increasingly, research is showing that our leafy friends are helpful not only for our environment, but for our minds, as well. As rates of depression reach new heights worldwide, it turns out that plants can help with that, too. In a growing number of studies, spending time around and among plants and trees—even seeing photos of plants—has helped with everything from mental health to concentration, duration of illness to sense of purpose.… Read More

Sweet Sounds of Nature: Sound & Biophilic Design

Let’s dive into a world you may never have heard of, but you hear it all the time. Pause for a minute. What sounds do you hear? Maybe the distant buzz of an airplane, the chirp of a bird, the rustle of leaves in a tree. Sound is a component of our natural and manmade world, but it’s an entire world unto itself. As humans, we hear only part of what’s making sound in the greater acoustic environment. The sounds we perceive are called the soundscape, just like outdoor greenery is called the landscape, and indoor plants are used to create a plantscape.… Read More

Stone as Biophilic Design: Why You Need It

Using stone as a biophilic design element
Everybody Must Get Stones Last post, we took a look at wood as a biophilic element. In case you missed it, it’s not too late to check out some interesting pictures & facts on wood as a biophilic element. This week, our focus has turned to stone. As humans, we are innately connected to the natural world around us. Our affinity for nature is even reflected in the built environment, as we seek to bring elements of the natural world into our homes and workplaces. This sentiment is at the heart of biophilic design – a design trend that emphasizes the importance of incorporating elements of nature into the man-made environment, with the goal of enhancing our wellbeing.… Read More

Biophilic Elements: Thinking Outside the Wood Box

Is Wood Having a Moment (again)? Ready, name that decade: Wood paneling Parquet flooring Wagon wheel décor Wood siding If you guessed 1970s, 1530s, 1940s & 1980s, you’re correct. But since design is cyclical, there were many more years that those things surged in popularity. Take wood flooring. That saw a rebirth just a short time ago in the late 20th century and early 2000s. There was a little break as modern industrial morphed into farmhouse industrial and farmhouse, but the cement flooring and painted cabinets of the last few years are now trending back to natural wood. As interior plantscapers, we use wood as a biophilic design element – we use planters made from wood, attach plants to slabs of wood and put them on the wall and use driftwood in our designs.… Read More

Breathe Life Into Your Workspace with Plants

Office plant designs
Wouldn’t it be nice to escape the sea of bland grayscale cubicles and walk through a splash of color and nature-inspired elements? A positive work environment can be as much about the surroundings as the people. Fostering teamwork, the sharing of ideas, personal space and comfort are among the considerations of an office designer. If the office or workspace is already designed, some easy updates, like the soothing touch of nature, or a few vibrant colors placed here & there, can contribute to a positive workplace ambiance. Whether you’re a property manager, an office manager, a facility manager or you just have an office you want to liven up, here are a few ideas to add color & nature to your office environment to get the workflow going.… Read More

Botanika Joins the Good Earth Plant Company Family

We’re growing! Plants have been my passion and business for 45+ years. Friend and colleague Lexine Schroeder’s company Botanika recently joined my company earlier this year, and we are all excited about the possibilities and opportunities. We look forward to partnering with Botanika’s clientele. Botanika Interior Plantscapes is known for beautiful residential and commercial interior plant design. Their unique plantscaping can be seen in homes and offices around San Diego.  Here’s an example of their beautiful work in an office in Old Town, San Diego. We’re excited to welcome them to the family.  

The Plantscape Hall of Fame Inducts Jim Mumford

We may all endure a lifetime of work, but very few of us are recognized for a lifetime of achievement. The people that stand out prove that passion and persistence are the keys to success. When other people ask, “why?” they ask, “why not?” Jim Mumford is one of these people with passion and persistence – and a love of plants. In his own words, “If I hear “no” or “that can’t be done” it means I try harder. I don’t give up easily.”  In the span of 45 years, Jim has gone from plant & flower seller, to plant expert, to interior plantscaper to global biophilic design thought leader, mentor and educator.… Read More

7 Biophilic Design Trends for 2023

Nature Color Palette 4404
Biophilic Design is Going Mainstream For anyone who’s been following our work, you know that biophilic design isn’t just our business, it’s our passion. Literally. It means a love of nature, and in design it’s a way to bring natural elements indoors. That can mean living walls, moss walls, and adding other natural elements to the built environment, like house plants / indoor plants, just for starters. Countless studies have shown that biophilic design isn’t just nice to look at, but also improves emotional wellness, reduces stress, boosts creativity and even helps filter air, reducing volatile organic compounds and adding oxygen.… Read More