Biophilic Design
Today is Earth Day 2021: the 51st year for Earth Day. It was founded on April 22, 1970, by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. He was inspired by student protests against the Vietnam War and hoped to inspire a similar outcry against our war on the environment.
It might not be an official national holiday, but it’s an important day to all the Eco-Warriors at Good Earth Plant Company and important for us to call it to every reader’s attention.
It’s easy to get discouraged about climate change and global warming and easy to feel powerless about stopping it. But it’s possible if we all add a little effort, which will add up to a lot if we don’t give up.… Read More
The Price of Nature: What Is A Green View Worth?
Right up there with the San Diego Padres, the biggest talk in town this spring is the real estate market. Prices have always been at a premium due to San Diego’s location and weather. But now, they seem completely out of control.
Real estate is one of the few things you can buy that doesn’t drop in value. One of the most important things you can do to increase the value is landscaping. It’s among the few home improvements you can make with a nearly immediate return on investment – and it only gets better as your landscaping matures.
Think about the bathroom or kitchen you remodeled 10 or 15 years ago.… Read More
Our Favorite Holiday Is Here! Celebrate Biophilia on St. Patrick’s Day with Good Earth Plant Company
Most people say their favorite holiday is Christmas. Thanksgiving comes next, but Halloween has nearly caught up.
Our favorite holiday didn’t even make the list! We’re here to celebrate OUR favorite holiday at Good Earth Plant Company. You don’t have to be Irish (or part Irish like me) to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17.
Think St. Patrick’s Day is all about cheers, beers, and parties? Think again! St. Patrick’s Day celebrates Nature. It’s the original Biophilic Holiday. We’ll explain.
St. Patrick’s Day History
You may have Irish heritage like me, as many Americans do. Ireland has a long history of emigration.… Read More
Bring The Office Back to Life With Plants
Can it really be nearly a year since our world turned upside down because of a little spiky-looking virus?
No one knew we’d still be trying to figure out how our future will look at the end of February 2021. We’re grateful at Good Earth Plant Company to be thriving and helping our clients to embrace the healthy approach to the way we work and live with biophilic design.
Long before the coronavirus pandemic back in 1977 when I opened my first flower stand in downtown San Diego, it’s been my passion to enrich peoples’ lives by adding nature using plants.… Read More
#GreenWallDay is Every Day at GEP
While you were recovering from Valentine’s Day (or apologizing) and enjoying President’s Day on Monday, I bet you missed the first-ever International #GreenWallDay. We’re here to get you caught up on all things green walls – or as we more commonly call them in the United States, living walls.
Green Wall Day is the idea of the Green Roofs organization in the United Kingdom, and #GreenWallDay was founded by Pritchard & Pritchard, with the support of industry leaders, including ANS Global, Biotecture, Mobilane, Scotscape and Terapia Urbana. You can add Good Earth Plant Company to the list.
The event honors the inventor of the modern living wall.… Read More
New for You: Good Earth Plant Company’s First White Paper
Why was I crazy enough to tackle a white paper in the middle of a pandemic?
When the coronavirus pandemic hit the world over a year ago, Good Earth Plant Company wondered how it would affect our clients and us. We found out the need for nature was greater than ever.
After we got past the shock of the first few months and started looking toward the future, it seemed obvious the need for biophilic design and nature in our workplaces and gathering spaces would be greater than ever for our health and wellbeing. But no one was really talking about it.… Read More
You Can’t Get a Good Plant Stylist Down: 2021’s Top Design Trends
Can you think back to this same time in 2020? It’s easy for me. It’s the week of my favorite New Year tradition, even if it’s three weeks late. Normally I’m traveling across the country to join my Plantscaping industry colleagues from 45 states and 37 different Florida countries at the Tropical Plants International Expo, AKA TPIE.
Seeing all the new concepts and trends in indoor plant production, presentation, and design gets everyone at Good Earth Plant Company energized for the year ahead. When the show is over, I can’t wait to get back to work for our clients. Even after four decades in business, it doesn’t get old.… Read More
Nature Naturally Leads 2021 Top Design Trends
Nature lets us know it’s the start of a new year, even without a paper calendar. Our journey toward spring begins as the days slowly grow longer and warmer, although it’s a pretty subtle change at our home base in San Diego. It only makes you look a little harder and become more aware.
It also means it’s time for the Eco Warriors at Good Earth Plant Company to predict the 2021 top trends in plant styling and biophilic design trends for the year ahead. But this year isn’t like any other year. We are still reeling from a year like no other we’ve experienced going into our 44th (WOW!)… Read More
Pantone’s Dual 2021 Colors of the Year
More than ever as a crazy year is coming to an end, we get pretty excited at Good Earth Plant Company during the holidays, but it’s not what you expect. We love the announcement of the Pantone Color of the Year!
So do you. Our blog post with our review and critique of the annual announcement is one of the most-read blog posts every year. Now it’s here!
For 20 years in early December, the Pantone Company announces its annual choice for “Color of the Year.” We think about color a lot in our biophilic design work. While green dominates our designs, there’s a lot of creative potential in the choice of containers and other physical elements. … Read More
Resimercial Movement: Real and Here to Stay
I have always wanted to start a blog post this way. “Don’t you hate it when…”
Don’t you hate it when people smash two words together to make another new word? It’s lazy. The words are always awkward. Athleisure. Brangelina. Resimercial.
You probably know the first two words, but I bet “resimercial” is new to you. Resimercial is catching hold and it looks like it’s going to stick just like athleisure for a lot of the same reasons. It’s comfortable, and it fits. FYI: for those who don’t know it, “athleisure” is traditional athletic clothing like yoga pants which are now acceptable leisure wear.… Read More