Living Walls
Jewel Changi Airport in Singapore. Photo: Mitch Miller
A City Where Nature Takes the Lead
Imagine a city where nature isn’t just a backdrop, but an integral part of the architecture—a place where living walls tower above bustling streets, serene indoor waterfalls enrich public spaces, and innovative designs inspire at every corner. Our Sales & Design team member, Mitch, got to experience just that on his trip through South Korea, Indonesia, and Singapore.
He didn’t just return with photos—he came back with inspiration. His journey was a glimpse into the future of urban design. So, what can we learn from these cities, and how can we apply those lessons to our work at Good Earth Plant Company?… Read More
Overcome June Gloom: Refresh With Green
It’s that time again. The time when sunny San Diego braces for its annual retreat from the sun. When dark clouds bank the coastal landscape, tans fade, and moods go sour. It’s the time of the year when June Gloom has arrived.
While it might feel dreary outside, it’s the perfect time to bring bright vibes inside. Yes, we’re talking about plants and flowers (do we talk about anything else?). At Good Earth Plants, we specialize in “plantscaping”, offering a range of services that not only enrich lives, but also elevate your mood and improve your overall wellbeing.
The Power of Plants
Plants may as well be superheroes.… Read More
Green TV Time: Jim Mumford on KLCS-TV Los Angeles
We’ve been sitting on this news for months. Just like kids at Christmas, the November 10 air date finally arrived for Good Earth Plant Company’s feature stories, and interviews on KLCS-TV show “Everybody with Angela Williamson.”
KLCS -TV is a multiple Emmy Award-winning noncommercial PBS affiliate station, broadcasting to more than 15 million viewers in Los Angeles and Southern California. Eight million households per month, and one out of every 10 TV viewers in Southern California, watch KLCS. So you can imagine the excitement level about spreading the message about Good Earth’s mission to enrich peoples’ lives with plants. When KLCS host and producer Dr.… Read More
Living Walls Aren’t Built In A Day
Some people call them green walls, others call them plant walls or live walls, and we also hear them called vertical gardens. Some versions are edible walls. Some are inside, some are outside. Good Earth Plant Company refers to these beautiful displays of nature by their most common name: living walls.
We recently attempted to count the number of living walls we’ve installed over the past 15 years. We stopped counting at 200. They range in size from small items that resemble traditional works of art to living walls on a massive scale. Our tallest? The living wall on the exterior of the Loews Santa Monica Hotel (80 feet).… Read More
Listen Up: Our Latest Blog Is a Podcast about Plants
Time for something a little different on the Good Earth Plant Company blog this week. You can listen instead of read!
I recently spent an hour on the “It’s Your Life” radio show in San Diego, which is also a podcast on all platforms. The theme of the show: “Bringing the Living World of Plants Into Our Everyday Life.” I couldn’t have done better myself!
Host Jim Cooley and co-host Michelle Cooley (yes, they’re husband and wife) put their curiosity and interviewing skills to good use. They both asked all about plants, plantscaping, living walls, moss walls, green roofs, biophilia and biophilic design – and more.… Read More
Things Are Looking Up For Plant Lovers
Indoor plants are having more than a moment. Good Earth Plant Company loves seeing so many people adding indoor plants to their home and work environments. It might be the one good thing coming from the pandemic. Since 1977, we’ve been big advocates for the power of plants to improve the quality of your surroundings, from cleaning the air to clearing your mind.
Plants are a lot like potato chips. You can’t have just one. It’s also true plants thrive when they are grouped together – and they look cool. But there’s only so much surface space to go around. You can add shelf space and place plants on your existing furniture (be careful with the watering), but at some point, you run out.… Read More
Client Happiness and Health Always Wins Big
Good Earth Plant Company got a nice surprise this week: our living wall project at 655 W. Broadway has won a Silver Award in its category in the 2021 Biophilic Design Awards. We love seeing our client projects featured, and we love seeing everyone else’s work.
Awards make us feel great, but what’s more important about them is providing an objective measurement of the quality of our projects. Are we doing the best possible work we can for our clients? Where do we rate against our (mostly friendly) competitors? What can we learn from THEIR award-winning projects?
This project has a special place in our horticultural hearts.… Read More
#GreenWallDay is Every Day at GEP
While you were recovering from Valentine’s Day (or apologizing) and enjoying President’s Day on Monday, I bet you missed the first-ever International #GreenWallDay. We’re here to get you caught up on all things green walls – or as we more commonly call them in the United States, living walls.
Green Wall Day is the idea of the Green Roofs organization in the United Kingdom, and #GreenWallDay was founded by Pritchard & Pritchard, with the support of industry leaders, including ANS Global, Biotecture, Mobilane, Scotscape and Terapia Urbana. You can add Good Earth Plant Company to the list.
The event honors the inventor of the modern living wall.… Read More
Resimercial Movement: Real and Here to Stay
I have always wanted to start a blog post this way. “Don’t you hate it when…”
Don’t you hate it when people smash two words together to make another new word? It’s lazy. The words are always awkward. Athleisure. Brangelina. Resimercial.
You probably know the first two words, but I bet “resimercial” is new to you. Resimercial is catching hold and it looks like it’s going to stick just like athleisure for a lot of the same reasons. It’s comfortable, and it fits. FYI: for those who don’t know it, “athleisure” is traditional athletic clothing like yoga pants which are now acceptable leisure wear.… Read More
Indoor Plants and Living Walls Are Essential Workers Too
According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, essential workers are those who conduct a range of operations and services that are typically “essential” to continue critical infrastructure operations. Critical infrastructure is a broad term including work sectors from energy to defense to agriculture.
Most people think of law enforcement, firefighters, doctors and nurses, and other types of frontline first responders as essential workers. But hasn’t your definition changed over the past few months? I bet you’ll add grocery store workers, truck drivers, caregivers, and the people who make toilet paper to this list now. There are so many unsung heroes grinding away who make things work.… Read More