Living Walls
Our Eco-Warrior in Chief, Founder and President of Good Earth Plant Company Jim Mumford, is featured in the February 2018 issue of the award-winning San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles Magazine.
Jim participated in the “Dialogue” feature, a question and answer interview about his background as a plantscaper, Certified Landscape Professional and Green Roof Professional; his San Diego based business and its history; his living wall, green roof, and moss wall projects; and his advocacy for the WELL Building Standard and implementing the principles of biophilia and biophilic design in our every day lives where we live, work, and play.
You can read the interview below.… Read More
November Good Earth Plants Leaflet Newsletter
The Good Earth Leaflet Newsletter is ready for you to gobble right up!
In this issue:
Learn what our Eco-Warrior in Chief Jim Mumford is thankful for
Meet our newest Eco-Warrior, Lisa Oliver
See our new Living Wall project for Torrey Plaza
Check out a spectacular new moss wall
Enjoy our holiday events listings
Don’t want to miss one? Sign up for the newsletter here.
Living Walls and Fences Are A Natural Choice
People and civilizations have put up walls throughout human history. Some of the world’s greatest structures are walls: the Northern Wall built by the Romans to hold back the Barbarians; the Great Wall of China, and even the Berlin Wall. It is amazing how these walls were constructed without having any of the engineering tools or technology at our fingertips today.
Over time, Nature has a hand in ‘decorating’ these walls. In some cases, the walls become ruins and become part of the natural landscape. In other cases, Nature takes advantage of these man-made structures.
This is where people like me and companies like Good Earth Plants and GreenScaped Buildings have combined the best of both to create living walls for our homes, businesses, and communities.… Read More
Your Questions About Moss Walls Answered
Moss walls can fit in any space under conditions where a living wall isn’t feasible. Contact Good Earth Plants if we can add one to your office OR your home!We predicted two years ago in this blog moss walls would become the hottest trend in interior Plantscaping. Here’s the original post just to prove it.
We had no idea how right we were! Moss walls are hotter than ever. They are the perfect alternative when a traditional green living wall isn’t feasible. In many ways, moss walls have significant advantages: they can be installed nearly anywhere at less cost, with zero maintenance.… Read More
Words of Wisdom from the Dalai Lama
Most people know Good Earth Plant Company for our living walls, green roofs, and other major projects. But we got our start 40 years ago on a much smaller scale. Our core business for many years is providing Interior Plantscaping services to offices, homes and other buildings, bringing nature indoors for people to enjoy.
Early on, I recognized that San Diego didn’t have a firm that did short term plant rentals, so I started one. We used to have contracts with all of the local concert and event producers. Our all-time favorite was the late great Joan Rivers. We’ve also provided stage plants for comedian Robin Williams, Neil Diamond, ZZ Top and Jimmy Buffett among others.… Read More
The Future of Living Walls in Los Angeles
One of the things we love about working with living walls is finding something new to incorporate into our client projects. We’ve been big fans of preserved moss walls, and found a way to combine it with traditional living walls for the architecture firm Gensler’s Los Angeles location.
Gensler’s Los Angeles office is the first vertical urban creative campus in the downtown area at 500 South Figueroa Street. The campus is comprised of Gensler’s original three-level atrium building, which it outgrew a long time ago, connected via a custom-designed bridge to the City National Bank tower next door where it is leasing several more floors of office space to accommodate its 600 employees.… Read More
Reduce Workplace Distractions with Plants
Companies were quick to jump on board the open office design trend when it first showed up in the 1990s. Busting down the doors created community and encouraged creativity. People also needed less workspace thanks to technology. No one needed a huge computer workstation anymore when a laptop or even a tablet or phone would do.
By opening up office space and shrinking the average workstation, companies could also save a lot of money on their office leases. The result: the International Facilities Managers Association says 70 percent of all workplaces today have some kind of open office design.
In the 20 plus years since the walls came down, workplace efficiency experts have learned a lot – mainly that the pendulum swung a little too far and some corrections are needed.… Read More
Got a Prana Problem? We Have The Answer: Vastu
Whether you think it’s an art, a science, both, or neither, most Western cultures know about the Chinese practice of feng shui. It is a complex system of rules and beliefs created 3,000 years ago to balance positive and negative energy in the world around places people live, work, and play.
But I bet you aren’t as familiar with a similar practice from India called vastu. Vastu is another system of creating harmonious living and working environments in conjunction with the forces of nature. Vastu is older than feng shui, and thought to have been carried across the Himalayan Mountains into China where it was adapted to the local culture where it became feng shui.… Read More
Meet the Next Generation of Eco-Warriors
Sixth grade students from Innovation Academy took a field trip to Good Earth Plant Company’s living lab earlier this year. Students are working on green roof and living wall projects and wanted to see the “real deal.”
During their visit to our living lab, we first did a power point presentation about how to build a green roof or living wall and some of the issues and concerns keeping them alive. We showed them photos of green roofs and living walls around the world. Then it was time to go outside and see them up close.
Boy do they have a lot of questions, some really smart ones.… Read More
Hotel Del Coronado Gets Its Own Living Wall
Did anyone watch the TV game show “Wheel of Fortune” during its “San Diego Week?” The show backdrop featured classic symbols of San Diego. The most prominant was the unmistakable red turret roof of the Hotel Del Coronado.
The beautiful Hotel del Coronado is a little more beautiful today thanks to its new living wall, installed in late January by Good Earth Plants and GreenScaped Buildings. This project has been a year in the making as it made its way through a lengthy approval process by the City of Coronado. The City and several organizations must maintain the historic preservation of the landmark and ensure any renovations or construction don’t harm the structure.… Read More