What is the WELL Building Standard®?

The WELL Building Standard® addresses seven categories of architecture and design conditions which enhance the health and well-being of occupants: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind.

At its core is the concept of biophilia and biophilic design, the recognition of the human connection to nature and the positive effects of nature on our health and wellness. It looks at everything from the amount of exposure to natural light, to color palettes, to the food offered in a company cafeteria, to the presence of nature in a building in the form of living plants. Indoor potted plants and vertical gardens or walls are specifically called for as part of the certification standards.

The WELL Building Standard is grounded in solid science. The WELL Building Standard is the culmination of seven years of medical research in collaboration with leading doctors, scientists, architects and other wellness professionals. https://www.goodearthplants.com/next-innovation-building-design-well-building-standard/
