It is (already!) Thanksgiving 2018, and I’m thankful for many people and experiences in my life. Thanksgiving is a good time to let them know.
I’m thankful for:
- My mom and dad: far from perfect, but great role models and teachers. They set a good standard and give me plenty to both admire and laugh about. I’m a lucky man as a result.
- My son Ted: just enough of me in him to make me proud, just enough “other” to make him interesting. We had a blast in Brazil this summer. He is going to save the world. You watch.
- My daughter Allie: although she tries to deny it, she is way too much like me – plus smart, capable, creative and talented. With a wicked sense of humor. I can’t wait to see where she goes and what she creates.

Jim Mumford and daughter Allie Mumford survey the bromeliads and orchids at the Alpha Square Apartments about to find new homes.
- My sister Monica, and by extension her husband Scott. I get unwavering support and love. I’ll be there this Christmas to see their new home.
- The rest of my family – both on mom and dad’s side, plus former in-laws and bonus brothers and sisters Karen, Dek, and Micheal. I’m glad Aunt Kathy is local. They’re all good, interesting and educated people and accept me being me. They inspire me.
- My former wife Mary: she changed my life then gave me two beautiful children and remains a great mom to them. I am forever grateful for having met and married her. Too bad it didn’t work out as we’d hoped and planned.
- My crew at Good Earth Plants and GreenScaped Buildings. It’s not always easy, but they get the job done, make our clients happy and give me the faith and trust that I don’t need to constantly look over their shoulder or worry when I’m not there. Every day they need me less and less. A true blessing.
- My partner Rodger in our new, big, bold project. He is fearless, conservative, and his industry knowledge and focus on details is the perfect compliment to my big mouth, creativity, and the steep learning curve I’m experiencing. In the words of our future partners Mike and Rich (whom I’m also very thankful for) – we’re going to crush it!
- All of my friends, too numerous to mention, who greet me with a smile and humor me while I attempt to inform, entertain or learn from them. Priceless!
- My friends and trainers Mark and Chelsea. They are helping me stay strong, healthy, and flexible.
- My doc Ned and his entire staff. They don’t treat me like a patient – until that is what I need, then they take excellent care of me.
- My chiropractor and friends Shawn and Patrick and the rest of the crew at FIX body group.
- Julia, the most fantastic house cleaner imaginable. She will clean anything for me, does all my laundry, repairs rips and holes, packs my suitcase, brings me fresh tortillas and even cooks my breakfast! Holy cow do I love her like family.
- My PR pro, Gayle who has not only put me “on the map,” but writes for me better than I can write for myself. And she has my back giving me expert advice on all things related.
- My amazing jeweler Larry and my cobbler Pablo.
- My “keeps me out of trouble” insurance guy Jeff.
- My “fix anything” IT guy Chris.
- My accountant Monica and bookkeepers Carol and Burt.
- All of the people in my industry related professions, and the numerous organizations I belong to. They inspire me and help whenever I ask. I hope I help them as much.
- My “show buddies” Bill, Bill and Peter. We see each other but once or twice a year, but always a good time. January is TPIE time!
- My health, pretty good for 61; and my mind. I’m not remembering things like I used to, but I am still curious, creative and full of humor. I still retain a sense of childlike awe.
- My joy of beauty, art and nature and always ready to travel to see and experience different places.
- My house, my car, my business.
- Living in San Diego. Expensive yes, but paradise no less. And the best place to come home to.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. What are YOU thankful for? Tell us – start the conversation on our Facebook page.