Jim Mumford

Good Earth Plants and Greenscaped Buildings Fashion Valley Mall Project Gets Noticed

We’re in the News! San Diego Business Journal details the project as part of the shopping center’s remodeling efforts Feel free to read the post here: ‘Living Wall’ Is Part of Fashion Valley Makeover Plans Or for your reading convenience; here is the full post featured on the San Diego Business Journal’s Website: ‘Living Wall’ Is Part of Fashion Valley Makeover Plans By LOU HIRSH Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Simon Property Group Inc. is installing a 46-foot-long, 16-foot-tall “living wall” feature at its Fashion Valley mall, to be covered with 4,000 ornamental plants, ferns, grasses and eight different types of ground coverings.… Read More

Grow Your Own Salad with Tower Garden

Newly offered product uses NASA technology of aeroponic gardening to produce fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs on demand with little space. Missing out on fresh fruits and vegetables because you lack the real estate to plow the ground, sow some seeds and grow a garden? GreenScaped Buildings and Good earth Plants has every hobby gardener’s solution to the lack of space with the vertical Tower Garden by JuicePlus. Urban agriculture and small scale farming has never been so easy! With just sun and access to a standard electrical outlet, your garden can be up and running in no time on your patio or deck.… Read More

Innovator seeks to educate about green roof movement – San Diego Daily Transcript

If you visit Good Earth Plant Company Inc. and GreenScaped Buildings president and owner Jim Mumford’s office, you will notice two things: plants hanging from and growing on walls, and plants growing from the roof. Mumford has built a reputation for renting, installing and maintaining of plants, green roofs and green walls and has been doing so in San Diego and across Southern California for more than 20 years. Chances are you have seen or heard about his work, as he is one of the few who does these types of installations in the county. Mumford’s work has been published and broadcast in several newspapers and television stations over the years, and his companies have completed more than 16 green roof projects and numerous green walls and plant fixtures for corporate clients and private residents.… Read More

Business owner also known as eco entrepreneur – San Diego Daily Transcript

In business since 1977, Jim Mumford has had plenty of time to figure out what he wants his company to stand for. That said, the past 12 months have gone a long way in defining Good Earth Plant Co. What began as a general flower shop set up by Mumford at the age of 20 is today one of the few places around San Diego that companies and individuals turn to when looking to turn their homes and offices into sustainable green spaces. Finding practical ways to put plants in new and interesting places has changed the business model to where Mumford has added a second arm: Greenscaped Buildings.… Read More

Seed Bombs in San Diego County

I saw a gumball vending machine, put in two quarters, turned the knob, and out rolled a brown seed bomb??  Wait a second…this isn’t a gumball machine! Recently, seed bomb vending machines have been popping up in San Diego and New York areas thanks to Jim Mumford at Greenscaped Buildings’ brilliant idea for unofficial planting.  He uses repurposed dispensers that hold little seed bombs of native flower seeds and compost held together by clay.  How cute is that?!  A little ball of flower seeds perfect for a mini explosion of native wildflowers on a neighbors’ lawn or between cracks in the sidewalk.… Read More

Meet East County’s Eco-Warrior Jim Mumford – East County Magazine

First came green roofs; now edible walls join pioneering urban farming trends May 8, 2010 (San Diego’s East County) — Plenty of people told Jim Mumford he was nuts building a green roof project in the middle of a Kearny Mesa industrial park. Three years later, the roof is thriving and Mumford’s GreenScaped Buildings is a pioneering venture and he’s earned a reputation as leader in this segment of the green building industry. Read more: http://www.eastcountymagazine.org/node/3267

Here We Grow – Pacifica San Diego Magazine

When there’s no space on the ground, Jim Mumford plants on the walls and the roof. His Kearny Mesa-based company, Good Earth Plant Company, has been providing plantscaping services for San Diego homeowners and businesses for more than 30 years. Today, Mumford’s new venture, GreenScaped Buildings, also creates “green roofs” and “living walls,” giving life to otherwise inanimate objects. Read more: http://www.pacificsandiego.com/2010/04/24/here-we-grow/

Walls you can eat – CNN Money

SAN DIEGO (CNNMoney.com) — Mario Batali decided last year to install a garden between his adjoining West Hollywood restaurants, Osteria Mozza and Pizzeria Mozza. But a plain old backyard patch wouldn’t do. Batali wanted something more visually striking, something more … vertical? So he turned to Jim Mumford, the owner of Good Earth Plant and Flower Company in San Diego. Mumford, 52, had built a reputation as a nontraditional gardener. In March 2007, he embarked on a “giant experiment,” replacing the 1,800-square-foot roof of a commercial building he owned with a planter’s paradise: three inches of specialized, lightweight soil over a padded waterproofing and drainage system.… Read More

Mozza’s Edible Garden Wall: Please Don’t Eat the Geraniums While You Wait, LA Weekly

Excerpt from the article that appeared in the LA Weekly blog, February 2010 The next time you’re stuck in line outside Pizzeria Mozza, you’ll have a much more pastoral setting for your wait than the usual valet caravan, the hungry crowds, the celebrities dodging TMZ for a pizza. This morning, Nancy Silverton and crew had an edible garden wall installed along the otherwise unremarkable wall between the Pizzeria and the Osteria on Highland Avenue. The wall is a testament to Mozza’s ongoing commitment to sustainability. It also provides some good aesthetics, as well as, perhaps, a get-your-own amuse bouche. The San Diego company Good Earth Plants & GreenScaped Buildings put up a vertical wall of herbs and flowers and lettuces, including 72 square feet of sage, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, beets, chicory, Italian dandelion, han tsai tai, 3 kinds of mint, 4 kinds of edible geraniums and Chinese celery.… Read More

Good Earth Plant Company: Vertical veggies – KFMB TV CBS 8 News

SAN DIEGO, Calif. (CBS 8) – When the folks at Good Earth Plant Company want some from veggies or herbs, all they do is clip them right off their wall. “We’ve got parsley, we’ve got some beets, we’ve got some mint, a little bit of rosemary, strawberries,” Jim Mumford said. Mumford has developed a wall system to grow vegetables vertically. Watch the story here:// San Diego, California News Station – KFMB Channel 8 – cbs8.com Read more: http://www.cbs8.com/story/11923046/good-earth-plant-company-vertical-veggies