office plants

Breathe Life Into Your Workspace with Plants

Office plant designs
Wouldn’t it be nice to escape the sea of bland grayscale cubicles and walk through a splash of color and nature-inspired elements? A positive work environment can be as much about the surroundings as the people. Fostering teamwork, the sharing of ideas, personal space and comfort are among the considerations of an office designer. If the office or workspace is already designed, some easy updates, like the soothing touch of nature, or a few vibrant colors placed here & there, can contribute to a positive workplace ambiance. Whether you’re a property manager, an office manager, a facility manager or you just have an office you want to liven up, here are a few ideas to add color & nature to your office environment to get the workflow going.… Read More

Indoor Plant Trends Coming At You In 2020

We love attending the Tropical Plants International Expo each January, and have lots of cool plant trends to share with you.
We all have our New Year traditions. Mine involves traveling across the country to join my Plantscaping industry colleagues from 45 states and 37 different countries at the Tropical Plants International Expo, AKA TPIE. It’s a blast for me to see all the new concepts and trends in indoor plant production, presentation, and design. There is so much to see, sometimes I worry whether my head might explode! (Spoiler – it didn’t happen). When you have been in business four decades, you see certain concepts and ideas recycled from time to time. We love seeing great old ideas reinvented. We also see the creative use of new technology and new designs.… Read More

Revive Your Dying Indoor Plant: 6 Ways Before It’s Too Late

Wet plant
Revive your dying indoor plants before it’s too late! Good Earth Plants is in the business of not only supplying residential, commercial, office & hospitality spaces with plants, but it’s also our job to keep them alive. Houseplants and office plants are enjoying a new surge in popularity. We could not be happier about this. It’s been our mission for more than 40 years to encourage people to incorporate nature into the places they work, live, and play through the addition of plants due to their many benefits to your wellbeing. Despite giving indoor plants love and attention, you’re always going to run into an indoor plant enemy that’s tough to battle.… Read More

How to Fix Open Office Plans!

We can thank the Sixties for a lot of things: some of the world’s best music, the American space program, and the rise of political activism. But we also have to hold the 1960s responsible for the open office floor plan the majority of working Americans are subjected to in 2018. Like a lot of things, strong economic growth after World War II caused office designers to offer companies a low cost way to increase the efficiency of their floor plans so they could add people without renting space or buying buildings. In 1968, American office furniture company designer Robert Probst came up with the cubicle, which provided workers privacy while allowing them a view of the open office if they stood up.… Read More

Remember This One Good Thing About Office Plants

When exactly did “multitasking” become a thing? It might have been when we all first got computers on our desks. It happened for sure when we all started having those little computers called smartphones in our hands all the time. The word actually existed in the 1960s as an engineering term, but computer processing made it popular in the 1990s. People brag about how great they are at multitasking, especially at work. After 20 years the laugh is on us, because we’ve learned thanks to scientific studies there is really no such thing as multitasking. What we are all doing is task switching.… Read More

HLI and Good Earth Plant Company: A Natural Fit

The new living wall installed at HLI in San DIego by Good Earth Plant Company and GreenScaped Buildings.
Earlier this year, Good Earth Plant Company was called in by McCarthy Building Companies‘ San Diego location for a plantscaping assignment, starting with designing and installing a 200 square foot living wall at a brand new and innovative company in San Diego, Human Longevity, Incorporated (HLI). We designed a sleek, modern living wall for HLI created to mimic natural shapes, colors and materials. Taking three days to complete, our finished living wall contains 317 jade pothos in the Wall of Life system. HLI was also interested in additional plantscaping throughout the office after seeing our work. Good Earth Plant Company added nearly 50 potted plants with an assortment of Aglaonema, Raphis Palms, Kentia Palms, dracaena and sanseveria.… Read More

Tips for Preventing The Time Change From Affecting Your Health

Don't forget to "fall back" this weekend on Saturday, Nov. 1.
This weekend we change our clocks from Daylight Time to Standard Time in the U.S. and Canada (unless you’re reading this from Arizona, Hawaii, four U.S. territorial islands or a few small spots north of the border). Before going to bed on Saturday, November 1, turn your clocks BACK one hour. You’re welcome. Our public service announcement for the week is concluded. Now for our safety message: Next week, be extra careful commuting, especially driving home. The transition to standard time increases motor vehicle accidents, especially fatal accidents and pedestrian vs. car accidents. It is estimated that sticking with daylight time year-round would prevent 195 deaths from car accidents, and another 171 pedestrian fatalities.… Read More

Halloween Décor, The Green Way

Halloween is just weeks away and it is time to decorate. If you want more than just a pumpkin and some spider webs in your office, what better to add than a few Halloween themed plants? Good Earth Plants employee and Eco-Warrior Alexa McEntarffer has her black lily on her desk. Check it out. Very creative! What decorations do you have? If you are one of our Good Earth Plant clients who receive our exceptional plant service, or if you’re maintaining your own plants, when decorating keep the fake cobwebs off your plants. It can harm the plants and be hard to remove.… Read More

Tips From Good Earth Plants To Keep Your Plants Healthy This Fall

Fall leaves remind us of nature’s cycles—letting go, embracing change, and making space for new growth
Earlier this week it officially became Fall 2014, although with our recent warm weather it may be hard to believe.  Good Earth Plants wants to make sure you have the knowledge to tend your plants properly throughout the fall season. We know in the fall leaves change colors on the trees, and the weather cools down. How does this affect our indoor plants – or does it? Yes, our indoor plants react to the change of seasons, too. During the cooler seasons, there are fewer hours of daylight and the sun is farther away from Earth in the Northern Hemisphere. With less sun shining, we tend to leave our windows closed and turn up the heat.… Read More