San Diego

Dining Out Differently With Sustainability In Mind

Seasons 52 edible wall
When I was a kid, going out to dinner was a big deal. It usually meant getting cleaned up, which for me was a big deal because I truly believe dirt was part of my skin. After the outer layer was scrubbed, it would be clean shirt and shoes and my “table manners” for a couple of hours spent counting down the seconds until the bill came to my dad. Even if it was a family pizza parlor night, dining out was a special event. Menus were bigger than me and in the fancy places, French names like coq au vin or escargot seemed daunting.… Read More


There’s so much talk today about the becoming sustainable. If you aren’t in the “green groove” or an Eco-Warrior (like me!)  that term can mean a whole bunch of stuff, mostly confusing. In Eco-speak, “sustainable” means that the process being used can be repeated without using too many (if any) resources. And that it is a self-perpetuating process. Keep that carbon footprint as small as possible while building it and use as few resources as you can utilizing the system. Keep everything possible out of the waste stream. We can’t continue to use up our natural resources without replenishing them somehow.… Read More

Good Earth Plants and Greenscaped Buildings Fashion Valley Mall Project Gets Noticed

We’re in the News! San Diego Business Journal details the project as part of the shopping center’s remodeling efforts Feel free to read the post here: ‘Living Wall’ Is Part of Fashion Valley Makeover Plans Or for your reading convenience; here is the full post featured on the San Diego Business Journal’s Website: ‘Living Wall’ Is Part of Fashion Valley Makeover Plans By LOU HIRSH Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Simon Property Group Inc. is installing a 46-foot-long, 16-foot-tall “living wall” feature at its Fashion Valley mall, to be covered with 4,000 ornamental plants, ferns, grasses and eight different types of ground coverings.… Read More