Bring the Heat: Indoor Plants That Like It Hot

Small sansevierias in pots on a table.

Updated August 2024.

We are fortunate living in San Diego where the weather remains close to perfect most of the time, but even sometimes the heat and the humidity can feel overwhelming. If it seems more humid lately, it’s not your imagination. Warmer ocean temperatures generate more humidity. If only they’d generate a little rain!

Auto accidents and heart attacks go up with the time change, but crime goes down. Photo: Bucky Lastard/Pixabay - Creative Commons

Some plants (like people) are true sun worshippers and love hot growing conditions. Photo: Bucky Lastard/Pixabay – Creative Commons 

When you feel the heat, so do your plants. Hot summers can be rough, even for your indoor plants. If you’re trying to conserve energy and save money (and you should!) by not blasting the air conditioning, plants can suffer. Plants not native to warm climates or already weak due to poor care, pests, or other issues, need extra attention. The good news is that Good Earth Plants is here to help. We can work with you to select and install the right plants for your environment. 

When its warm, plants speed up their version of metabolism, including photosynthesis and growth. It’s nature’s way of taking advantage of favorable growing conditions, a process that developed long before global warming. Plants thrive if temperatures remain 90 degrees or below. Above this threshold, they begin to decline. Plants that aren’t heat tolerant suffer even more.  The longer it stays warm, the worse the conditions become for them. 

It’s not just the air; high temperatures also heat the soil, which can harm your plants. Container plants are especially sensitive to the heat absorbed by the soil. Roots will try to grow deeper to find cooler temperatures and more moisture, but containers don’t provide much relief. If your plants wilt in the later afternoon or show brown burn marks on their leaves, this could be your problem. 

Someone watering their houseplant

Don’t ever water your plants when it’s warm outside. Instead, water deeply in the cool of early evening. Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels

Tip: Hot soil can heat the water up to the point it “boils” the roots of your plants! Ideally, water deeply during the cooler evening hours, when plant roots can absorb the water and protect themselves from the heat during the day. Additionally, there is less evaporation loss into the air during this time. 

In warmer climates and temperatures, you can give yourself a head start by choosing heat-loving plants that are already adapted to higher temperatures. These are native to hotter, drier climates and have developed leaves and roots to make the most of any moisture. 

This doesn’t include a lot of tropical plants. While they may live in warm parts of the world, they often grow under thick canopies of trees in nature, where the shade keeps the air cool and humid. 

Looking for a few suggestions? We won’t let you down. Here are some proven choices that thrive in warm conditions. 


Succulent Troughs on a wall. Bring the Heat: Indoor Plants That Like It Hot

A beautiful outdoor succulent trough project installed by yours truly, Good Earth Plants. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company

Not a surprise, right? This family of plants is gaining popularity across the world, especially right now due to their low water usage and low maintenance.  The thick leaves of most succulents store every bit of moisture they can, which is why they can thrive even with minimal care. Remember – every cactus is a succulent, but not every succulent is a cactus. 


Bring the Heat: Indoor Plants That Like It Hot

Good Earth Plant Company used aloes in this workplace lobby planter facing a window with ample light. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company

These tough succulent plants can survive in nearly any conditions with good light. In addition to the common Aloe Vera, there are many hybrids available with interesting spear-shaped leaves. Aloes grow well in direct sunlight but appreciate a little shade. Just be sure to water every few weeks. 


Small sansevierias in pots on a table. Bring the Heat: Indoor Plants That Like It Hot

Check out these charming sansevierias from one of our recent plantscaping projects. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company

Sansevierias are perfect for warmer environments due to their natural adaptation to arid conditions in West Africa. There are 70 species of this plant that offer a variety of heights, colors, and shapes. These hardy plants excel in warmth because their thick, waxy leaves store water efficiently, making them resilient to heat and drought. Their tolerance for high temperatures and low humidity, along with their minimal care requirements, makes them perfect for bright rooms. To keep your Snake Plant thriving, place it in indirect sunlight, let the soil dry out between waterings, and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. This low-maintenance plant adds a touch of greenery while thriving in hotter conditions. 

Ponytail Palms (Beaucarnea recurvate)

These durable plants (pictured center) tolerate high temps and can live for decades. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company. Bring the Heat: Indoor Plants That Like It Hot

These durable plants (pictured center) tolerate high temps and can live for decades. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company.

 Ponytail palms (also called elephant’s foot) are low-maintenance trees that don’t require much attention. Native to Mexico, they thrive in a bright, sunny spot. The plant’s stems store moisture, so allow the soil to dry out a bit between waterings and avoid overwatering. 


An exterior balcony that Good Earth Plants maintains with some blooming geraniums. Bring the Heat: Indoor Plants That Like It Hot

An exterior balcony that Good Earth Plants maintains with some blooming geraniums.

Geraniums are sun worshipers! They are popular landscape flowers, but there are also indoor varieties. If you have a screened porch, patio, or a classic sunroom, put some geraniums in large containers, and they will provide beautiful color. If you need help selecting containers and a plant expert to keep them looking great, Good Earth Plants has got you covered. 

ZZ Plant

Interior plantscaping with a room divider and ZZ plants at Illumina in San DIego, California. Bring the Heat: Indoor Plants That Like It Hot

Interior plantscaping with a room divider and ZZ plants at Illumina in San Diego, California. Photo: Good Earth Plant Company 

This water storage capability makes ZZ Plants perfect for warmer climates where water may evaporate quickly. Additionally, their low maintenance needs—requiring infrequent watering and tolerance for various light conditions—make them an ideal choice for both home and office environments. With their durability and ease of care, ZZ Plants are a great way to add greenery to any hot space without the hassle. 


This beautiful yucca photographed (pictured right) in one of our clients' spaces. This plant flourishes in sunlight, but they will also be happy in a sunny window. Photo: Good Earth Plants

This beautiful yucca photographed (pictured right) in one of our clients’ spaces. This plant flourishes in sunlight, but they will also be happy in a sunny window. Photo: Good Earth Plants 

If there is one thing yucca plants crave, it’s sunlight.  Put your yucca in a tall or deep container or these tall plants might tip over. The deeper container will also let you water deeply but less often. You might only water once a month. This makes for a happy yucca. 

Do your indoor plants need a little extra care this summer? Is it time to upgrade your workplace greenery in preparation for more employees returning to the office after Labor Day?  The horticultural experts at Good Earth Plant Company are here to enrich your life with plants! Give us a call at 858-576-9300, or email us at [email protected].