Awards & Achievements

Grow or Die

When you’ve been in business doing something for more than four decades, you probably think you’re pretty good at it. The mere act of surviving all the challenges running a business throws at you says it all. Plenty of people take their expertise for granted, though. That’s the kiss of death. The minute you think you know-it-all is the minute you don’t. I’m a firm believer in new knowledge and growth as one of the key ingredients to success in nearly anything. And why wouldn’t growth be at the heart of working in a green business like plantscaping and biophilic design?… Read More

Flexing Our Creative Muscle at Art Alive 2019

Last week, we concluded our participation in the 38th annual San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa Park fundraising event “Art Alive.” I haven’t missed one in 25 years, no matter what else we have going on. It’s always fun for us to spend time flexing our creative muscles. If you aren’t familiar with Art Alive, 100 floral designers interpret artworks found in the Museum. The John and Sally Thornton Rotunda in the Museum literally comes alive with flowers, plants, and natural materials. It’s the art world version of the Rose Parade! It also reminds us of Good Earth Plant Company’s roots.… Read More

Plants With Purpose Thanks UCSD Hearts & Hands Volunteer Doula Program

The UCSD Hearts & Hands Volunteer Doula Program is the latest recipient of the Good Earth Plant Company “Plants with Purpose” nonprofit donation program. Good Earth provided orchids for the program’s annual “Comfort & Joy Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Party. The program’s mission is “to work within the UCSD Medical Center’s patient care team as volunteer birth assistants who provide non-clinical support in accordance with each mother’s preferences during her childbirth. To be a widely regarded, sustainable program model shown to enhance clinical outcomes and increase patient satisfaction.” Its goal is to provide every new mother delivering a baby at the UCSD Medical Center with access to a volunteer doula.… Read More

Pantone 2019 Color of the Year Sees the Light

Once again the beauty of Nature inspired the Pantone Color of the Year Choice for 2019: Living Coral. Photo: Ed Bierman/Creative Commons
It’s now headline news when the Pantone Company announces its annual choice for “Color of the Year” in early December. Good Earth Plant Company works with color so much, the choice gets our attention, especially the reasoning and psychology behind it. This year’s choice for 2019 is an eye-popping pink-toned orange called “Living Coral.” It’s straight out of the natural world. Yes, it’s bold, but we love it. Here’s what Pantone’s executive director Leslie Eiseman said about the “vibrant yet mellow” choice. “In reaction to the onslaught of digital technology and social media increasingly embedding into daily life, we are seeking authentic and immersive experiences that enable connection and intimacy.… Read More

Time For Thanks (Again!) At Good Earth Plant Company – 2018 Edition

It is (already!) Thanksgiving 2018, and I’m thankful for many people and experiences in my life. Thanksgiving is a good time to let them know. I’m thankful for: My mom and dad: far from perfect, but great role models and teachers. They set a good standard and give me plenty to both admire and laugh about. I’m a lucky man as a result. My son Ted: just enough of me in him to make me proud, just enough “other” to make him interesting. We had a blast in Brazil this summer. He is going to save the world. You watch. My daughter Allie: although she tries to deny it, she is way too much like me – plus smart, capable, creative and talented.… Read More

Jim Mumford Featured in San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles Magazine

Our Eco-Warrior in Chief, Founder and President of Good Earth Plant Company Jim Mumford, is featured in the February 2018 issue of the award-winning San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles Magazine. Jim participated in the “Dialogue” feature, a question and answer interview about his background as a plantscaper, Certified Landscape Professional and Green Roof Professional; his San Diego based business and its history; his living wall, green roof, and moss wall projects; and his advocacy for the WELL Building Standard and implementing the principles of biophilia and biophilic design in our every day lives where we live, work, and play. You can read the interview below.… Read More

Color Good Earth Plants Happy About the 2018 Color of the Year Choice

The Pantone Color of the Year for 2018 is Ultra Violet. It's present in many natural examples, including these hyacinths. Photo: Creative Commons License
The Pantone Company decided to go big or go home with its 2018 “Color of the Year” choice. It’s now headline news when this American company best known for creating a universal color matching system names one color every December it thinks will be the hottest color trend for the year ahead. Last year’s choice was “Greenery.” Pantone describes it as a “cheery green shade” that evokes the first days of spring when nature and plants revive, restore, and renew. It’s the Good Earth Plant Company color of the year every year, so you know we loved it. This year’s choice could not be more different.… Read More

Forty Years and Still Growing Strong at Good Earth Plant Company

The wall that started us down a new road at Pizzeria Mozza Hollywood in 2010. You never forget your first! #GreenWallDay
  It’s been 14,600 days. 350,400 hours. Thousands of plants. Hundreds of employees. One hundred living walls. Two addresses. Two kids! One crazy ride. I’ve known this day was coming, but it’s still nearly impossible for me to grasp, much less explain in a single blog post. Today, November 1, 2017, is officially my 40th anniversary in business as “Good Earth Plant Company.” These are the times we can’t help but look back at the long, winding path bringing us to the present. Many of the steps were deliberate, others were serendipitous, and all were guided by the people along the way.… Read More

Good Earth Plant Company Show and Tell at the Mingei

Outside of my family of course, there isn’t much I love more than bringing nature and plants into places people work, live, and play. I’m still just as enthusiastic about my mission as I was when I bought my original bucket stand selling flowers and then plants downtown nearly 40 years ago. What comes close is TALKING about the power of nature and plants to make our lives better. If a group of people invites me to come to their conference or meeting or program, they do not have to ask twice. I want people in the audience to walk away with a new way of appreciating nature and with some ideas for incorporating nature into their workplaces and homes.… Read More

2016 Year In Review – How Did We Do?

Good Earth Plant Company's latest moss wall project at the Bardstown Bourbon distillery in Louisville, Kentucky.
As we head into our 40th year of operation, Good Earth Plant Company is more committed than ever to our mission to bring the beauty, health, wellbeing and environmental benefits of living plants and nature into your life. We started our business providing interior plantscaping design and service to many of the leading workspaces in the San Diego region. Plantscaping is still at the heart of what we do, but our thinking about it has evolved. Making our workplaces and homes look “nice” is a fine motivation. But we now grasp the importance of integrating nature into our lives everyday by bringing the “outside” into our buildings and our urban environment with plants, and the many positive effects of doing so.… Read More