Purchase nursery grade plants and pots at outstanding sale prices

Bag a bromeliad for a bargain price at the Good Earth Plant Company Open House and Sale on Friday, June 6.
Why should San Diego’s microbreweries have a monopoly on happy hour? Enjoy happy hour Good Earth Plant Company style during our 2015 Spring Open House and Plant Sale at our warehouse and demo garden on Friday, June 5, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Jim Mumford and the entire team at Good Earth Plant Company have fresh ideas and exciting new projects at this annual event.
The Open House takes place at Good Earth Plant Company’s headquarters, 7922 Armour Street in San Diego. See a map here.
Tour our living lab including green roof systems, an edible living wall, our Aquaponics system and the latest in living wall technology. We will also have a Tower Garden, and rainwater harvesting systems, both excellent ways of making efficient use of our limited water resources.
Come prepared to purchase nursery and florist grade plants and containers at outstanding prices. Our expert staff will send you home with plenty of good advice and tips. We want you to feel informed and confident caring for your new plant at home. We will help you wrap up your plant and help you load it in your car or truck at no additional charge.
“Opening the doors to guests is a great way for us to see our operation with fresh eyes,” said Jim Mumford, owner and president of Good Earth Plant Company. “Our talented team coaxes new growth to show off our living wall displays and our now eight-year-old green roof, one of the first in San Diego. Remember what it looked like years back? You’ll be amazed to see how we have developed an entire ecosystem (complete with butterflies) on top of our office building,” said Mumford.
What better way to bring both beauty and good health to your home? RSVP today by emailing [email protected] There is no charge but please RSVP.